The GerBI-GMB Core Facilities & Research Groups

Name of FacilityFull name of FacilityCityTypeWebsiteUsage Rules & Regulations
TUD/UKD-CFCICore Facility ImagingDresdenResearch Group
GerBI OfficeGerman BioImaging - Gesellschaft für Mikroskopie & BildanalyseKonstanzCore Facility
UFZHelmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZLeipzigResearch Group
Two-Photon Imaging FacilityTwo-Photon Imaging Facility, Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Klinische Forschung, RWTH AachenAachenCore Facility
Core Facility Universität HohenheimCore Facility Universität Hohenheim - ImagingStuttgartCore Facility
CUSCOCore Unit pluripotent Stem Cells and OrganoidsBerlinCore Facility
CFcryoEMCore Facility for cryo-Electron Microscopy of Charité Univeritätsmedizin Berlin at Max Delbrück Center for Molecular MedicineBerlin BuchCore Facility
Imaging facility MPIs FrankfurtImaging facility of the MPIs for Brain Reseach and BiophysicsFrankfurt am MainCore Facility
CIGL / ILH Multiscale Imaging PlatfromMultiscale Imaging Platform at the Center for Infections and Genomics of the Lung (CIGL)GießenCore Facility
Cardoso LabCardoso LabDarmstadtCore Facility