
  • Identification of new strategies and funding schemes
  • Clarify position of German facilities in the context of the German / European roadmaps
  • Lobbying & communication


Report to the DFG Joint Committee (Hauptausschuss)

Please download Elisa’s talk here

The Joint Committee is the DFG’s main decision-making body. It bases its final research-policy decisions that relate to the DFG on resolutions passed by the DFG’s Senate. These especially pertain to decisions regarding the DFG’s budget and the general development of its funding policy. The Joint Committee decides on the implementation of new funding programmes and on modifications to existing funding instruments.

The Joint Committee is made up of 39 members of the DFG’s Senate, representatives from the federal government (with a total of 16 votes), 16 state representatives and 2 representatives from the Donors’ Association for the Promotion of Sciences and the Humanities in Germany.

Infrastructure  Professorship

he German Council of Science and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat, WR) published Recommendations on Career Goals and Paths at Universities (Empfehlungen zu Karrierezielen und -wegen an Universitäten). In this document, the WR identifies research infrastructures as a new area of activity for qualified academics at universities beside research and education. Heads of Research Infrastructures should be appointed at the level of professorships. The WR acted on a proposal from GerBI presented in the position paper “Infrastructure Professorship”. The paper is available only in German language.

Letter to DFG-Fachkollegiaten in Life Sciences

German BioImaging sent a letter to the DFG-“Fachkollegiaten in the life sciences to draw attention to the possibility that user fees for microscopy core facilities can be applied for in DFG grants.