
The working group “Quality Assessment for Instruments & Facilities” was established in 2019 at the general assembly of GerBI-GMB as the result of the merge of the former Workgroups 1 “Quality Assessment of Imaging Core Facilities” and Workgroups 7 “Instrument Specifications and Standardized Measurements”.


The WG “Quality Assessment for Instruments & Facilities” currently focuses on two topics:

  1. What is a facility – Facility Recognition
  2. What quality does a facility offer – Facility Evaluation.



With the foundation of the world-wide initiative “Quality Assessment and Reproducibility for Instruments & Images in Light Microscopy” – QUAREP-LiMi co-initiated by members of GerBI-GMB the topics related to “Instrument Specification and Standardized Measurements” are currently taken care of by QUAREP-LiMi. If you want to work on that topics please join QUAREP-LiMi as a member, currently already more 30 GerBI-GMB members have joined.

Who we are

Team Speakers

Team Members

Roland Nitschke
Roland NitschkeSpeaker
Hella Hartmann
Hella HartmannCo-Speaker

Angela Naumann

Anje Sporbert

Britta Schroth-Diez

Christian Kukat

Gerhard Holst

Hannes Beckert

Hans Fried

Karin Aumayr

Kees van der Oord

Martin Spitaler

Miso Mitkovski

Robert Kasper

Get involved

  Contact us

If you want to join our team contact the speakers via E-mails