
Microscopy and image analysis are so strongly intertwined that it is impossible to talk about one without the other. We aim to form an international network among young scientists in which we can discuss our specific imaging and analysis issues in an informal, peer- based environment. We offer problem- based learning on flexible, on-demand topics (watch parties of online lectures, roundtable discussions and troubleshooting sessions), as well as events with invited experts. Participation in the YMIA network is supported by GerBI, but does not require a GerBI membership.

Join the YMIA Watchparty on 23.07.2024 at 4pm to learn about accelerated image processing!
Due to issues with OpenTalk, we switched to another platform, sign up to the mailing list to obtain access.

Upcoming Events

For our next event series, we delve into Bioimage Analysis! Across 14 weeks, we’ve curated a watchparty series featuring Robert Haase’s recorded lectures on Bioimage Analysis (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5ESQNfM5lc7SAMstEu082ivW4BDMvd0U), covering fundamental principles, filtering, segmentation, feature extraction, macro programming in Fiji, Tracking with Trackmate, machine learning with Fiji and Ilastik, and image registration. The series includes “software playground” sessions to apply learned concepts to microscopy data, though not every week. For additional events, reach out and share your interest! Get the links and stay informed by signing up to the event series.
Date Time Event Topic
23.07.2024 4pm – 5:30 CEST Watchparty GPU Accelerated Image Processing with CLIJ2 – Webinar
25.07.2024 4pm – 5:30 CEST Software Playground Are you curious how CLIJ2 could be used in your own image analysis pipelines? Let’s try to implement this tool for our own data! Rike will be there to help out if something doesn’t work, or to give some advice for different analysis approaches.


Watch parties

Watch-Parties are a communal way to follow prerecorded lecture series in the YMIA. This way you can update your knowledge in varying fields of microscopy and image analysis applications in an interactive way together with your peers and discuss questions afterwards.

Sign up for the Watchparty Series

Software Playground

Let’s code together! Experience interactive coding sessions where brainstorming and troubleshooting take center stage. Uncover solutions, overcome obstacles, and elevate your coding skills by interacting with the community.

Sign up for the Software Playground Sessions

Roundtable Discussion

Roundtable discussions are an opportunity to discuss issues, to connect, as well as to introduce yourself and your research.

Sign up for the Roundtable Sessions

Expert Session

Engage in Expert sessions featuring topics chosen by the YMIA community, presented by field-leading experts for insightful discussions and invaluable insights.

Sign up for the Expert Sessions


The resource database is a collection of knowledge that is deemed to be especially useful to young researchers. We focus on already existing other databases, as well as literature and youtube videos that already exist on other platforms. We are also working on establishing a database on how to connect to other existing local networks – to core facilities or self-help services – to promote finding on-site support whenever possible.

Who we are

Core team

Team Members

  • Sona Michlikova – PostDoc (Translational Radiooncology) at the National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology (OncoRay) in Dresden and Helmholz-Zentrum Dresden – Rossendorf
  • Friederike Kessel – PostDoc at the Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden, Neural Development and Regeneration
  • Annika Haak – PhD Student (Biochemistry) at the RUBION, Ruhr-University Bochum
  • Elena Nicolay – Research Assistant (M.Sc.) at UFZ Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig, Mechanistic Toxicology
  • Aayush Poddar – PhD Student in Cellular, Structural, and Computational Biology at the Mueller-Reichert Lab, TU Dresden

With the help of a quick survey we assessed who was interested in the YMIA: Roughly 50% of the participants of this survey were PhD students, PostDocs and Master Students constitute the remaining half. Members of the team come from a variety of scientific backgrounds, including Biology, Physics, Engineering, Medicine and Bioinformatics. Their interests are equally distributed between both microscopy and image analysis.

Join the YMIA

Everyone is welcome to join, no matter where they are located or what imaging or analysis modality they are using. In order to join, please send an email to team-ymia@gerbi-gmb.de or sign up for the mailing list when you register for one of our events. If you are interested, you can also become an active member of the GerBI society, but this is not mandatory to join the online activities of the YMIA.
