Importance of Core Facilities

Building core strength: The scientific community benefits from infrastructure that facilitates the dissemination of cutting-edge methods.

Institutional core facilities: Prerequisite for breakthroughs in the life sciences

Core Facility Management

What is the structure of our infrastructure? A review of UK light microscopy facilities, Georgina Fletcher, Kurt I. Anderson, Journal of Microscopy, Vol. 285, Issue 2, 2022.

The article Advanced light microscopy core facilities: Balancing service, science and career has been published in the journal Microscopy Research and Technique. The “GerBI Best Practice Manual” summarizes the outcome of the German BioImaging workgroups during the first DFG-funding period.

Setting Up and Running an Advanced Light Microscopy and Imaging Facility, C Sánchez, MÁ Muñoz, M Villalba, V Labrador, FJ Díez-Guerra, Current Protocols in Cytometry, 12.22.1-12.22.21, 2011.

List of things to think about with an Imaging facility”, JB Sanderson, Royal Microscopical Society, 2010.


Bio-Medical Light Microscopy Imaging Facility Management, Carl A. Boswell, George McNamara, Lab Manager, 2007.

Design and Function of a Light-Microscopy Facility, Kurt I. Anderson, Jeremy Sanderson, Jan Peychl, Chapter in “Imaging Cellular and Molecular Biological Functions”, Springer, 2007.

Issues in the Management of a Core Imaging Facility, Judy Trogadis, Lab Manager, 2006.

Designing a Microscopy/Analytical Instrumentation Facility: Step by Step Procedure”, Judy A. Murphy, Microscopy Today, November/December 2002.

Running and Setting Up a Confocal Microscope Core Facility“, Susan DeMaggio, Chapter in “Methods in Cell Biology”, 70, 475-485, 2002.

System Performance

Evaluation of Confocal Microscopy System Performance, Robert M. Zucker, Chapter in “Cell Imaging Techniques”, Springer, 2006.