Ask the Experts – the perks of OMERO
Onlinewe are happy to invite you to our next "Ask the Experts" on the perks of Omero organized by GerBI and MaxBI. The appointment is for April 25th at 3PM (for roughly 1.5h) via Zoom. Our experts will be - Tom Boissonnet and Stefanie Weidtkamp-Peters - Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf - Carsten Fortmann-Grote - [...]
Molecular Devices: Imaging User Meeting
Ideal for both current ImageXpress system users and those wanting to learn more about high-content, high-throughput, automated or 3D imaging, the Molecular Devices Imaging User Meeting offers the opportunity to: Discover how cutting-edge imaging technologies are enabling scientists to advance their own research Network with other imaging experts, share your own research and discuss best [...]
JCS2023: Imaging Cell Dynamics
Join Journal of Cell Science at their 2023 meeting on Imaging Cell Dynamics taking place 14 -17 May 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal. The meeting represents a unique opportunity to bring together many different experts working at the interface between cell biology and imaging who use advanced light and electron microscopy approaches, as well as leading developers of [...]
Ask the experts – the technique of OMERO
OnlineWe are happy to invite you to our next "Ask the Experts" on the technique of Omero organized by GerBI and MaxBI. We will discuss practical aspect on how to set up an Omero instance, the details of expert usage, or answer any detailed questions you have. The appointment is for June 13th at 3 [...]
7th “Microscopy characterisation of organic-inorganic interfaces” conference
27-28 of June 2023, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada The 7th Microscopy Characterisation of Organic-Inorganic Interfaces (MCOII) meeting will return to an in-person format in 2023 and will be hosted for the first time in North America at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, home of the Canadian Centre for Electron Microscopy. The transatlantic scientific organizing team of [...]
Fluorescence imaging beyond intensity
Course overview: As fluorescence lifetime-based readouts become more accessible, this course aims to provide a broad understanding of how the lifetime-based information can be leveraged to solve biological questions. This application-centred course will provide insights into how this additional dimension of fluorescence information can help unveil functional and mechanistic information. Location: EMBL Heidelberg [...]
Workshop Light Sheet Microscopy at AU Health Bioimaging Core Facility Aarhus University
This Light Sheet Microscopy Workshop brings together young scientists and experts in the field of light sheet microscopy. The workshop is intended for PhD students and postdocs engaged or interested in light sheet microscopy. For more information, visit:
Basic Course – Kostenkalkulation in Core Facilities
OnlineWiederholung: Der "Basic Course – Kostenkalkulation" findet am 13.09.2023 um 13 Uhr online statt und richtet sich an Interessenten (Core Manager, Mitarbeiter aus der Verwaltung, Forschungskoordinatoren), die sich erstmals mit der Kalkulation von Kosten in einer Core Facility beschäftigen. Aufgrund der hohen Nachfrage haben wir uns dazu entschlossen, den GerBI Chat vom März 2023 zu [...]
Opening Symposium – Core Facility for Cryo-Electron Microscopy (Charité & MDC Berlin)
Invitation text from the Charité and MDC Berlin: "We are happy to announce the opening symposium of the Core facility for cryo-electron tomography at Campus Berlin Buch. We are inviting you to celebrate with us the inauguration of the CF cryo EM and the opening of the Isolde Dietrich Haus, our dedicated research building. Sign [...]
GerBI-GMB Core Facility Leadership and Management Course 2023
Schloss Mickeln Alt Himmelgeist 25, Düsseldorf, GermanyRegistration Registration was open until May 31st, 2023. Concept We are pleased to announce the 2023 Core Facility Leadership and Management Course by GerBI-GMB and hfp consulting. The concept of core facilities, central hubs for demanding technical and analytics services, is rapidly changing how science is carried out at many research institutions. Core facility managers, [...]
Advanced Course – Kostenkalkulation und Finanzierung von Core Facilities
OnlineDer "Advanced Course – Kostenkalkulation und Finanzierung" findet am 27.09.2023 um 13 Uhr online statt und beschäftigt sich mit den Themen: Wie kalkuliere ich eine Core Facility als Ganzes? - Preisgestaltung Kostendeckung und Refinanzierung Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich. Bei Interesse, kontaktieren Sie bitte die Sprecherinnen unseres Teams Financial und Legal [...]