Ask the experts – Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy

We are happy to invite you to our next "Ask the Experts" talk centered around FCS organized by GerBI and MaxBI. We will discuss how to get started with FCS using new user-friendly tools, how to introduce someone to the technique, or answer any detailed questions you may have. The appointment is for April 17th [...]

Online Seminar: Contact-free monitoring of vital signs for in vivo imaging


Our Team Intravital Microscopy organized an online seminar featuring Marc Zuend from Vigilitech AG. He will present a technical solution for online monitoring of rodent vital sings in intravital microscopy. The seminar will start at Wednesday, 15th of May, 3PM CET. If you are interested, please contact us:  

GerBI chat: Vom Bedarf bis zum Großgeräteantrag-Schreiben


Wer meldet den Bedarf an neuen Großgeräten und an wen? Wer beurteilt die Dringlichkeit und eine Einbindung in Core Facilities? Wie kann eine langfristige Planung von Neubeschaffungen fair organisiert? Diese und weitere Fragen zum Thema "Vom Bedarf bis zum DFG Großgeräteantrag-Schreiben" möchten wir aus Sicht von Core Facilities in unserem nächsten GerBI Chat am 11.09.2024 [...]

GerBI-GMB Core Facility Leadership and Management Course 2024

Schloss Mickeln Alt Himmelgeist 25, Düsseldorf, Germany

Concept We are pleased to announce the 2024 Core Facility Leadership and Management Course by GerBI-GMB and hfp consulting. The concept of core facilities, central hubs for demanding technical and analytics services, is rapidly changing how science is carried out at many research institutions. Core facility managers, often academically trained scientists, find themselves in a [...]

GerBI Chat: Wie schreibe ich am besten einen Großgeräteantrag?

Was sind die Tipps und Tricks für einen guten Großgeräteantrag? Aus welchen Gründen werden Anträge abgelehnt? Wie sieht ein gutes Gerätenutzungskonzept aus? Diese und weitere Fragen zum Thema "Wie schreibe ich am besten einen Großgeräteantrag?" möchten wir aus Sicht von Core Facilities in unserem nächsten GerBI Chat am 25.09.2024 von 13:00-15:00 Uhr diskutieren. Alle Interessenten [...]

FoundingGIDE Hackathon 2024 Japan

Join members from German BioImaging (GerBI-GMB), co-applicant in NFDI4BIOIMAGE, for a hackathon to facilitate the global harmonization of imaging metadata and its integration into next-generation file formats in Kobe, Japan, from November 4th to 8th. This hackathon is part of the foundingGIDE project. The foundingGIDE project The project foundingGIDE is an EU-funded endeavor to harmonize ontologies and [...]

4th Day of Intravital Microscopy

Intravital Imaging allows for the spatio-temporally resolved observation and quantification of cellular processes in homeostasis and in disease settings in the native tissue microenvironments at resolutions not achieved by other techniques. In order to accurately understand highly dynamic events in real time in disease settings such as cancer, metabolic, neurologic, immunological interactions, infectious diseases or [...]

YMIA Mini Series: Seminar ‘Getting started with Omero’


Our GerBI team Young Microscopists and Image Analysts (YMIA) organises a mini series focusing on data management and subsequent image analysis with OMERO. This mini-series includes two events with Tom Boissonet: 13.11.24 - Seminar: Getting started with Omero: Data management and Metadata annotation 21.11.24 - Workshop: How to use Omero for image processing with Jupyter [...]

OME-NGFF Workflows Hackathon 2024

Irchel Campus Zürich Winterthurerstrasse 190, Zürich, Switzerland

Bioimage analysis is evolving to address challenges of big data, dealing with complex modalities like 3D and time-resolved imaging and working towards more FAIR image data and image analysis workflows. A big driver for standardization is the development of OME-NGFF, the open, next generation file format for bioimaging data. A big next step for OME-NGFF will [...]

Administrative Herausforderungen in Core Facilities & Technologieplattformen 2024

Universität Ulm Meyerhofstr. 1, Ulm, Germany

Die Etablierung von Core Facilities und Technologieplattformen an Forschungsinstituten bietet Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern den Zugang zu anspruchsvollen Technologien und Geräten. Die gemeinsame Nutzung von Ressourcen und effektive Auslastung führt bei entsprechenden Managementkonzepten zu einer insgesamt verbesserten Forschungsinfrastruktur. Allerdings bringt die Verwaltung von solchen Einrichtungen neue Herausforderungen mit sich. Daher organisieren wir jährlich einen Workshop zu [...]

YMIA Mini Series: Workshop ‘How to use Omero for image processing with Jupyter Notebooks’


Our GerBI team Young Microscopists and Image Analysts (YMIA) organises a mini series focusing on data management and subsequent image analysis with OMERO. This mini-series includes two events with Tom Boissonet: 13.11.24 - Seminar: Getting started with Omero: Data management and Metadata annotation (Event page here) 21.11.24 - Workshop: How to use Omero for image [...]

Ask the experts – Tissue Clearing


We are delighted to invite you all to our second 'Ask the Experts' talk this year on the subject of Tissue Clearing. Our AtE series is organised in collaboration between GerBI and MaxBI and aims to invite all attendees to put any questions they may have on the topic to our experts. Feel free to [...]

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