Münster Imaging Network at WWU Münster

Core Facility 100 user / year Usage Rules & Regulations

The Münster Imaging Network (MiN) is a subunit of the Cells in Motion Interfaculty Centre (CiMIC), a central scientific institution of the Westfälische Wilhelms University (WWU) of Münster. MiN provides access to a broad spectrum of state-of-the-art imaging technologies for scientists of life and natural sciences at WWU and beyond. An online booking system is available for access and efficient use of existing imaging technologies as well as for the management of user fees. MiN trains users in handling of complex imaging instruments and methodologies as well as maintenance and repairs. Furthermore, MiN supports planning of imaging-related projects and probe preparation as well as data analysis and archiving. The network advises all participating groups in the acquisition of new imaging hard- and software.


  • DCV (Deconvolution)
  • Image Analysis
  • Laser Scanning Confocal (LSM)
  • SMLM (Single Molecule Localization Microscopy)
  • SIM (Structured Illumination Microscopy)
  • HTS (High throughput Screening)
  • Spinning disk, multi-point
  • TIRFM (Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy)


Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster

Cells in Motion Interfaculty Centre

Waldeyerstraße 15

48149 Münster


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