GerBI-GMB members organize sleepout to raise funds for Ukraine

GerBI-GMB is organizing a “sleepout” to raise funds for Ukraine:

After a successful sleepout activity last year after our general assembly, some of our members again give up on their usual sleeping comfort and spend the night without a mattress, outdoors, in a garage, or a corridor. This time we’d like to raise funds for the Ukraine actions of the Red Cross.

You can contribute in two ways:

(i) Sleep outside of your comfort zone (which means either outside, on a mattress in your kitchen, or whatever comes to your mind), take a picture and share it with family, friends, and us, e.g. via Twitter (#GerBIsleepout for #Ukraine) to raise awareness and spread the word.

(ii) Donate at betterplace:

The sleepout event is planned for this week, and luckily the weather is good outside :)

We are looking forward to a joint (remote) event, and hope that we can do our part to support Ukraine. A big thank you to Christian Feldhaus and Stefanie Weidtkamp-Peters for the initiation of this year’s GerBI sleepout!

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