German BioImaging microscopy centers throughout Germany participate in the Maus Türöffner-Tag
On 3rd of October will give children an insight into the world of the very small – the microcosmos. All places for more than 150 children are fully booked.
This year, “Die Sendung mit der Maus” (The Show with the Mouse) team of WDR will send a television crew to University of Konstanz, and also BioDIP will be visited on the anniversary of German reunification by MDR.
Participating institutes are: BioDIP at TU Dresden, Center for Systems Biology Dresden at MPI for Cell Biology and Genetics, Life Imaging Center at University of Freiburg, Bioimaging Center at University of Konstanz, Combinatorial Neuroimaging at Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology Magdeburg, and Light Microscopy Facility at MPI for Developmental Biology in Tübingen.