List of online training material with a focus on research data management for bioimaging and image analysis

Resource Keywords  
ELIXIR TeSS registry for microscopy bioimage analysis; Python,; Cell Profiler; Ontology Show details
ELIXIR UK RDM bites Metadata; REMBI; OMERO Show details
EuBI virtual pub: Biological & pre-clinical imaging data microscopy; pre-clinical imaging; XNAT; OME; NGFF; OMERO; Bio-Formats; IDR; file formats; metadata Show details
GBI Training Courses Repository; image data; OMERO; IDR; BIA; EMPIAR Show details
MyScope (Micr. Australia) RDM Training Data management plan; Research Data Management; data sharing; microscopy Show details
OMERO Wiki of BIOP EPFL OMERO; Research Data Management; data sharing; microscopy Show details
OMERO Galaxy Suite and Galaxy Imaging Platform Galaxy; Imaging; OMERO; REMBI; metadata Show details

ELIXIR TeSS registry for microscopy

bioimage analysis; python; Cell Profiler; ontology

TeSS (Training eSupport System) is a resource provided by Elixir. It offers a registry to search for training material on specific topics.

Elixir = an intergovernmental organization focusing on the goal to provide infrastructures for bioinformatics

A registry showing a list of further resources. Here, the search is pre-set with the term microscopy.


metadata; REMBI; OMERO

A short-video series by Elixir UK, mostly focused on metadata and the proposed REMBI standards for metadata curation.


Elixir = an intergovernmental organization focusing on the goal to provide infrastructures for bioinformatics

REMBI = recommended metadata for bioimaging, a proposed set of metadata items that researchers in bioimaging should adhere to. Find out more.

A series on short videos about the REMBI metadata, including a proposal for their adoption in the image data management system OMERO.

Duration: 3 – 5 min per video

Euro-BioImaging Virtual pub on biological and pre-clinical imaging data

biological imaging; pre-clinical imaging; XNAT; OME; NGFF; OMERO; Bio-Formats; IDR; file formats; metadata

Euro-BioImaging offers the online “virtual pub”. This episode of the virtual pub focussed on data in biological and pre-clinical imaging.

Euro-BioImaging is a research infrastructure providing access to bioimaging equipment across Europe. It is part of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) and became a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) in 2019.

Recording of the online talk by Dario Longo, Sara Zullino, Jean-Marie Burel, and Joshua Moore.
Duration: 1.5 h incl. discussion

Global BioImaging Training Courses

repositories; image data; OMERO; IDR; BIA; EMPIAR;

Training Courses and recorded workshops on Image Repositories and Data Management by Global BioImaging. Contains workshops on:

  • Image Data Resource
  • BioImage Archive


Global BioImaging is a network of infrastructures focussing mainly on international exchange. It was funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programm.

OMERO = an image data management system by the OME consortium, open-source software

Workshops and walkthroughs including videos, slide presentations and supplementary workshop materials.

Duration: A few hours

MyScope by Microscopy Australia
Research Data Management Training

data managment plan; research data management; data sharing; microscopy

High-level introduction to research data management in microscopy. Mostly refering to the Australian research landscape.

MyScope is an online training resource on microsopy including research data management. MyScope is provided by Microscopy Australia

Web-based tutorial with walk-through.

Duration: 15-30 min.

OMERO Wiki of the Bioimaging and Optics Platform (BIOP) at EPFL (Lausanne)

OMERO; research data management; data sharing; microscopy

Hands-on training and information resource (Wiki-style) on the OMERO instance at the Bioimaging and Optics Platform (BIOP) at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

OMERO = OME Remote Objects, an open-source research data management system from the Open Microscopy Consortium

A comprehensive Wiki tailored to the OMERO instance at the Bioimaging and Optics Platform at EPFL.

Galaxy Training with OMERO Suite and REMBI metadata

OMERO; Galaxy; metadata; REMBI

Walk-through training resource on different bioimage informatics topics with detailed descriptions and hands-on exercises on bioimaging data annotation and metadata curation.
The material includes training on REMBI and on the OMERO-Suite

OMERO = OME Remote Objects, an open-source research data management system from the Open Microscopy Consortium

Galaxy = A cloud-based bioinformatics tool, free to use, with online training courses for self-paced learning.

REMBI = Recommended Metadata for Biological Images, a checklist for microscopy metadata annotation

An online bioinformatics task execution platform that comes with training courses.