Welcome to I3D:bio – a research data management resource for bioimaging with a focus on light microscopy

Looking for a resource to aid with…

  • learning and teaching about microscopy research data management?
  • organizing your microscopy research data?
  • storing, sharing and archiving your images?
  • linking your image data with experimental protocols and analysis results?
  • setting up microscopy reasearch data management at your institute or facility?

Check out these I3D:bio project pages and contact us for questions and support.

I3D:bio is developing the following resources, materials and services for the bioimaging community:

Current project status:

What’s new?

The I3D:bio team offers a new workshop, directed at teams from imaging facilities and IT departments to learn about a structured approach for implementing a new OMERO instance at a research institution or university.

On-premise on October 16th & 17th

Find more information and the registration here.

Based on the experience with use case partners from I3D:bio, we have published a review: A practical guide to bioimaging research data management in core facilities. Read the full publication in the Journal of Microscopy:
Schmidt, C., et al. (2024). Journal of Microscopy, 294, 350371. https://doi.org/10.1111/jmi.13317

The I3D:bio project has published a key deliverable: The I3D:bio training material as an open, reusable material for local user training by core facility staff and others.
Check out the resource here: https://gerbi-gmb.de/i3dbio/i3dbio-teaching/train-mat/

Latest Content:

Tom Boissonnet offered a workshop on OMERO.figure for the creation of reproducible figures in OMERO at the Halfway to I2K Conference 2023. The workshop recording is now available here.

We updated the Bioimaging Metatadata Standards page to integrate the newly published MIHCSME standard by Hosseini et al. Check it out!

Update on the bioimaging data life cycle. Find a walk-through explanation for bioimage data management along the data life cycle concept.

New post: Perspective on RDM in bioimage analysis by Tom Boissonnet

New page about Bioimaging Metatadata Standards