Overview of Bioimage Data and Metadata
How is data and metadata structured in bioimaging? To provide a comprehensive overview of the most important technical terms and concepts with respect to metadata, the I3D:bio team created a poster that combines a glossary on terms with the conceptual relationships between different terms. This poster is also presented in a recorded poster talk by S. Kunis here. [...]
Types of metadata in bioimaging
Metadata is often referred to as "data about data". It describes properties associated with the experiment that has led to the pixel image including all information to fully understand what was imaged and how the image was generated.Technical metadataThis metadata includes information on the hardware that was used to acquire an image and which settings were used. This information [...]
Data structuring with Tags and Key-Value Pairs in OMERO
The image data management platform OMERO offers possibilities for structured metadata annotation. But with possibilities come decisions to make. Research projects are complex and, therefore, giving a unique one-size-fits-all recommendation for data structuring is difficult. Nevertheless, some basic principles for using structured annotations may help to shape your research data management to optimize usability. As we detailled in our [...]
Metadata Standards for BioImaging
back to: BioImaging Metadata Why research-discipline-specific metadata standards are needed The FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) principles provide guidance in the form of general criteria for what renders data FAIR. However, no discrete technical adoption of these rather loosely defined criteria is provided. The reason is that no universal solution can meet the needs of all [...]
Metadata models and metadata formats
A deeper dive into metadata structures, and the OME data model How is metadata structured and stored in files? Metadata, i.e., the data providing essential accessory information about data (like image pixel values), can be structured in various ways. A specification for this structuring is defined by a data model, which provides an abstract [...]