Events organized by I3D:bio

Upcoming events are shown with open toggles, past meetings are closed. 
(->M) indicates where material from the event is available for download or review.

The I3D:bio team announces an on-premise workshop about how to implement a new OMERO instance at a research institution from scratch.

This workshop is directed at teams from imaging facilities and IT departments together.

Two-Day-Workshop: October 16th and 17th.
On-Premise in Heidelberg or Düsseldorf (to be decided)

Find more information and the registration link here.

I3D:bio and NFDI4BIOIMAGE organize an online workshop about effective use of structured metadata annotations in OMERO to enhance the usability of imaging data for image analysis and publication.

Two-Day-Workshop: April 29th & 30th.
Online in Zoom.
Workshop material published on Zenodo:

Find more information and the registration link here.

The I3D:bio team co-organizes the RDM4Mic Meeting, taking place in Münster from September 19th to 21st.

Please see details and registration on the RDM4mic website here:

At this year’s European Light Microscopy Conference, the I3D:bio team offers a workshop in collaboration with Caterina Strambio De-Castillia from BioImaging North America.
Please find us in Workshop Room E3 on Thursday, 8th from 3.45 pm to 4.45 pm

The workshop will be focused on Hands-On Metadata Annotation using REMBI annotation guidelines. Find the abstract here:

Full programm

At the Trends in Microscopy Conference, the I3D:bio team will provide an OMERO-based framework for managing the bioimaging data generated in the workshops. Find more details on the conference and the data management concept here.

On May 17th, the I3D:bio team invited to its Kick-Off Meeting as a satellite event of the RDM4mic meeting.

We are especially thankful to our keynote speaker of the event, Jason Swedlow (University of Dundee).

Download here the meeting report, which includes video links to recorded meeting sessions.

Co-organized by I3D:bio, the RDM4mic meeting in May 2022 focused on training and educational material for bioimaging RDM.

Meeting minutes


Participation of I3D:bio members in external events

At the Halfway to I2K Conference 2023 with a focus on Image Analysis Training, the I3D:bio team member Tom Boissonnet presented an online Training about reproducible figure creation with OMERO.
Watch the recording on YouTube here: 

Tom Boissonnet, Susanne Kunis, Christian Schmidt, and our Use Case partner Michele Bortolomeazzi will participate in the Physics of Life Excellence Cluster BioImage Analysis Symposium in Dresden, taking place from August 29th to September 1st.
More information:

The E-Science Tage 2023 take place from March 1st to 3rd in Heidelberg.

The I3D:bio team will be represented by Christian Schmidt, providing a poster presentation on the I3D:bio project.

February 6th, at 4 pm (online, Zoom)

“A journey to FAIR microscopy data”
Talk By S. Weidtkamp-Peters, J. Hanne & C. Schmidt
32nd MoMAN Seminar, Ulm
More info.

The slideshow from the Talk can be reviewed here.

The symposium on bioimage analysis will be taking place at the Francis Crick Institute in London. Tom Boissonnet from the I3D:bio team will participate in this year’s conference.

The Max Planck Bioimaging Core Unit Network has invited to its General Assembly on Oct. 6th. The main topic of this year’s meeting is research data management. Christian Schmidt from the I3D:bio (and NFDI4BIOIMAGE) team contributed to the meeting by presenting an overview on the RDM activities for bioimaging in Germany.

The talk slides are available for download here.

The BioImaging UK community will have its meeting on Friday, Sept. 16th. Stefanie Weidtkamp-Peters (I3D:bio PI, chairperson of GerBI-GMB, and speaker of NFDI4BIOIMAGE) will attend the meeting and speak about RDM in bioimaging.