GerBI communication platforms

GerBI Cloud:

The GerBI cloud provides a space to share documents and work together collaboratively on projcets within the GerBI community. If you don’t have an account yet, reach out to the GerBI office.

GerBI Mattermost:

This space is dedicated to fostering a collaborative community where all GerBI members, regardless of experience level, can share insights, ask questions, connect, organize themselves in their teams, or work together on the organization of events. It is a friendly space, every GerBI member is welcome to join. If you do – don’t forget to search for the GerBI community channel. If you don’t have an account yet, reach out to the GerBI office.

GerBI Zenodo:

Here, ther GerBI community shares their presentations, what has been developed in the teams and training material.

Social media: