
Albgut Altes Lager Hauptstraße 318, Münsingen, Deutschland

General information Interested in learning hands-on about the latest microscopy techniques? In the middle of the Swabian Alb together with scientific talks from distinguished guest speakers? Right on the pulse of the latest microscopy developments? All this is offered at our "Trends in Microscopy", the biennial conference of GerBI-GMB, alias GerBI-GMB Spring School! With hands-on [...]

GerBI-GMB Core Facility Leadership and Management Course 2025

Schloss Mickeln Alt Himmelgeist 25, Düsseldorf, Germany

Concept We are pleased to announce the 2025 Core Facility Leadership and Management Course by GerBI-GMB and hfp consulting. The concept of core facilities, central hubs for demanding technical and analytics services, is rapidly changing how science is carried out at many research institutions. Core facility managers, often academically trained scientists, find themselves in a [...]

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